Hi There 👋, I'am Andi Yahya

Student at Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Web Design and Development Enthusiast

Contact Me
Andi Yahya

Tentang Saya

Who am i?

I am a 6th-semester Informatics Engineering student at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu with passion in web designs and development. I focus on frontend web development and continually strive to enhance my skills. With strong communication skills, leadership abilities, attention to detail, and a high enthusiasm for learning, I am confident in my potential to succeed as a frontend web developer.

Let's Connect

Welcome! I'm passionate about building meaningful professional connections. If you're driven by excellence and innovation, let's connect. Whether you have a project in mind or want to discuss with me, I'm eager to hear from you. Reach me out via the contacts below. Let's explore opportunities together.


Contact Me

If you have any further inquiries, kindly contact me!

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